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Today is World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) has been officially observed since 2012. The date of March 21st was specifically chosen to highlight the triplication (choosing the 3rd month of March) of the 21st chromosome, which is the chromosome that causes Down syndrome. Those with Down syndrome are often denied proper health care, the opportunity to work and earn money, and adequate education. This day is an opportunity  to advocate for the rights, inclusion and well-being of those with Down syndrome.

This year the theme of WDSD is: “End the Stereotypes”. The goal is to educate the general public about differing intellectual abilities and show that having  Down syndrome does not define the individual. Each person with Down syndrome has different likes, dislikes, talents and interests, and it is important to try to change public perceptions so that we do no underestimate or exclude due to lack of education or preconceived notions. 

One way to increase awareness on March 21st is the “Lots of Socks” campaign. For many years, people have been wearing funky socks, since the socks represent the shape of the chromosome. Join us today by wearing creative socks! Wear socks that will get noticed! They can be colorful, bright, mismatched… anything to get the conversation started. When someone comments on your socks, let them know you are wearing them to increase awareness about Down syndrome.

Additionally, you can participate with your colleagues in the "Racing For 3.2" event through NDSS  (National Down Syndrome Society). You can walk, run, bike, hike, or do anything for 3.21 miles. It is a virtual event that you can do yourself or with a team. Click here for more information: Racing 3.21 Information (

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